
Black Brothers have been in business since 1979 and during this time we have developed long-termed relationships with the paint manufacturers. We work very closely with the manufacturers to ensure everything is done to their specifications. Because we have performed hundred’s of successful jobs using their products over 3 decades, the manufacturers are very comfortable providing warranties for our projects and also provide special services for Black Brothers’ projects.

The paint, caulking and concrete manufacturers set the specifications for the materials used on your building, such as the best primers, concrete repair materials and caulking and they will do on site inspections.

The representative will visit your building during the various stages of the project to help us make sure everything is done to their specifications. The strata council or owners are welcome to meet with the paint manufacturer’s representative during his inspections or contact them anytime if they have a question. Black Brothers always use only the top quality products from each manufacturer.

The paint manufacturer’s representative will monitor the type and amount of products used on your building and issue a written warranty once the project is finished.

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Black Brothers Painting & Restorations ©2019
(604) 351-6075